[IRCServices] ircservices on windows

Trevor Talbot quension at softhome.net
Thu Jul 4 20:44:01 PDT 2002

On Thursday, July 4, 2002, at 08:47  AM, Philippe Levesque wrote:

> I dont see the use of a win32 version, it's a good idea to have maybe a
> win32 binary, but conference room software on win32 got a 
> services included
> in them, and i dont see much other win32 software for the ircd,
> So, if you got linux/bsd running for your ircd, why use windows to run
> services? :P

There are more win32 IRC servers than you think.  Not all of them are
good, but they do exist -- and yes, many of them will work with
IRC Services.

> ..and i dunno, if you change the source to make a backdoor in 
> them, who will
> be able to see it in the binary.. :P

He's bound by the license to release the source as well.  Besides, he
offered to do as much.

On Thursday, July 4, 2002, at 09:04  AM, Craig McLure wrote:

> y would u wanna run IRC Services on the most UnStable os in the 
> world neway?
> if u wanted a reliable copy of IRC Services under windows, get Version5

Those are contradicting statements.  Windows is not the most unstable
OS in the world; even if it were, IRC Services version 5 would not
change that.

-- Quension