[IRCServices] ServiceRoot missing

Wright, I. (Iain) I.Wright at organon.co.uk
Wed Aug 7 11:22:01 PDT 2002


Thanks for the reply. 

First off the line ServicesRoot is already uncommented with a nick. 

I tried uncommenting the Enforcer line before with no success. Unless I am
editing the wrong file!!



-----Original Message-----
From: Ekim Engin [mailto:eengin at talesoft.de]
Sent: 06 August 2002 23:06
To: ircservices at ircservices.za.net
Subject: RE: [IRCServices] ServiceRoot missing


> -----Original Message-----
> From: ircservices-admin at ircservices.za.net 
> [mailto:ircservices-admin at ircservices.za.net] On Behalf Of 
> Wright, I. (Iain)
> Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 5:46 PM
> To: 'ircservices at ircservices.za.net'
> Subject: [IRCServices] ServiceRoot missing
> When starting the server service I get the errors:
> services.conf:604: Unknown directive `NSEnableEnforcer'
> services.conf: ServicesRoot missing

Looks like you forgot to uncomment the line ServicesRoot Yournick. You
need to have this line without a # in front, please check out.
Also the variable NSEnableEnforcer is not known to services version you
use, comment it out by adding a # as the forst char in the line (note
services will start even if a unknown directive is found.

> In which directory is services looking for the services.conf? 
> I have edited the version I think it looks at and my values 
> are correct I think but I still get these errors.
> Version 4.26
> Cheers
> Iain


| Talesin aka Ekim Engin | ircadmin at ttnet.net.tr  |
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