[IRCServices] I need HELP!!!
irc at kgn.ru
Tue Sep 3 09:52:00 PDT 2002
I have the following problem:
At this moment I have installed Auspices Services in my network, and they behave exceptionaly unstable, that's why I thinking
about switching to different services.
So far I have in mind using IRCServices, but have a problem with converting databases. During the process of conversion with
standard converter I get the following error messages:
[ksnake at infocentr ircservices-4.5.41]$ ./import-db -v +auspice-2.5 /home/ksnake/auspices/data
Loading nick.db...
out of memory
[ksnake at infocentr ircservices-4.5.41]$ ./import-db -v +auspice-2.5 /home/ksnake/auspices/data
Loading nick.db...
Read error on /home/ksnake/auspices/data/nick.db.
The size of the databases of nicks is 808,071 kb (2837 nicks); The size of the database of channels is 703,850 kb (761
If I create a small database (for testing/debugging purposes) 2-3 nicks / 2-3 channes - nicks database gets converted, but
channels database doesn't, and the following error message appears:
[ksnake at infocentr ircservices-4.5.41]$ ./import-db -v +auspice-2.5 /home/ksnake/auspices/data
Loading nick.db...
Loading chan.db...
Wrong version number on /home/ksnake/auspices/data/chan.db
I'm using the Auspice IRC Services 2.7Black, as I understand it is based on Auspices 2.5.x and the database (structure)
haven't mutated that much so I can not convert it.
I need your help!
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
KriegSnake mailto:irc at kgn.ru