[IRCServices] Connection refused....

Nicholas Prisi n.p at bluewin.ch
Sun Oct 20 19:30:01 PDT 2002

Hi, I've just compiled ircservices 5.0 and edited the .conf files aswell 
as editing my ircd.conf file and everything seems to be correct exept 
that when I try run services I get:

[Oct 12017:37:0502002] IRC Services 5.0.0 starting up
[Oct 12017:37:0502002] sockets: connect(0 -> 
Connection refused
[Oct 12017:37:05 2002] Connection to server failed: Connection refused

...in both ircservices.conf and ircd.conf are setup to link to each 
other so I dont know why the connection is refused,
here are the ircservices.conf and ircd.conf connection settings:

RemoteServer 7708 LiNk

...and ircd.conf:

link            services.carbonirc.net
         username        *;
         bind-ip              *;
         port                    *;
         hub                    *;

         password-connect "LiNk";
         password-receive "LiNk";
         class           servers;
                 options {


(I am using Unrealircd3.2beta12)
I have tried using "localAddress" instead of "RemoteServer" in 
ircservices.conf with no luck, also I have tried setting the port to 
7708 in ircd.conf but that didnt either (documentation says to leave 
port out)

What am I doing wrong?
Any help would be great, I'm *stuck*

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