[IRCServices] Official Debian Packaging

Guido Trotter ultrotter at jumpy.it
Sat Nov 9 14:11:01 PST 2002


I'm writing to this list because I plan to make an official Debian version of
ircservices. I know there is a .deb on the website, but I think it's worth
to put it in the main debian archive, to have it available on each architecture
debian supports, and directly from the package managing system.

In order to do so, I must plan to do some changes, at least in the directory
structure ircservices use. The main thing I must do to have it included
is to have a more separated directory structure, which refects the FHS.
I'm wondering if this changes can be received upstream, as additional options
to configure and make, without changing the actual default behaviour, but
simply allowing it to be changed calling configure and make with some options.

In this way there will be no problem for the actual users, who won't see the 
changes from their point of view, but the scripts could be used without changes
by the debian maintainer scripts (and thus autobuilders).

Here are the directory structure I plan to use in the debian version:

binaries:	/usr/bin/
modules:	/usr/lib/ircservices/
databases:	/var/lib/ircservices/
logs:		/var/log/ircservices/
configuration:	/etc/ircservices/

I hope this (the package and the changes) isn't a problem for you.
Otherwise I'll be happy to talk about it, and eventually withdraw my

BTW I shall ask for an advice: the services database binary format is 
architecture dependent or independent? 
For example can one simply copy the databases from a little endian to a 
big endian machine and expect them to work? In this case I think I'll move 
them to /var/share/ircservices insteas of /var/lib/

Thank in advance,

Guido Trotter  - ultrotter at debian.org

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