Solved - [IRCServices] trouble connecting ircservices 5 to tr-ircd 5

Bjoern Engels bjoern.engels at
Tue Feb 25 05:54:39 PST 2003

On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 06:27:27AM -0600, Ken Scott wrote:
> This doesn't answer your question directly, but in the long run, you'll
> probably have an easier time by just upgrading both services and the ircd
> to v5.0.11 and v5.0.7, respectively, if at all possible.  We have two
> servers and services running this combination with no problems at all.

Ok, I upgraded to 5.0.12 now and I'm getting the latest cvs version of
tr-ircd. But anyway: I managed to get services running. I just didn't
notice that the protocol has to be set in ircservices.conf _and_
modules.conf ;)

