[IRCServices] Services Bug

Andrew Church achurch at achurch.org
Wed Feb 26 09:50:01 PST 2003

>1) [Dec 02 22:39:18 2002] PANIC! buffer = :sadmin PRIVMSG NickServ at Services 
>:UNLINK nick force [Dec 02 22:39:18 2002] Services terminating: Segmentation 


>2) [Dec 24 14:08:14 2002] PANIC! buffer = :nick ! memoserv :del 1,2 [Dec 24 
>14:08:14 2002] Services terminating: Segmentation fault


>3) An AOP user using Chanserv (/cs deop) is able to deop a SOP user and also 
>a Founder! So +a and +q don't works good.Instead we notice that the 
>procedure for /cs kick is correct ana an AOP can't kick a SOP or a Founder.

     This is designed behavior, and can be changed with the SET ENFORCE ON

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at achurch.org