[IRCServices] After Restart Problems

Ali Sor alisor at softhome.net
Sun Apr 6 04:55:57 PDT 2003

Hello Everybody;

I dont know if anybody else have this kind of problems but everytime after
services restarts, it is like keeptopic get lost. If someone makes a topic
when services unlinked, services wont give the last topic when it is linked

Another problem is about suspends. When a nick is suspended such as 35 days
and 30 is expire time. After the first update after unsuspend, nick drops.
Also extra 5 days is given after unsuspend at conf. So we make suspended
nick noexpire until user identifies.

And the last one is services randomly removes the noexpire parameter from
channels. Expecially after changing versions, like from 5.0.14 to 5.0.15

Anybody has this kind of problems?

Take Care...

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