[IRCServices] ircservices crashes when saving databases
2f at n
2f at n
Tue May 6 02:24:50 PDT 2003
Ircservices version:
[May 06 11:44:40.107617 2003] IRC Services 5.0.18 starting up (options: debug)
using default language:
ircd version:
[May 06 11:52:17.596382 2003] protocol/trircd: debug: tiufang SJOINs #ankara
[May 06 11:52:17.597995 2003] debug: Creating channel #ankara
[May 06 11:52:20.650418 2003] debug: Saving databases
[May 06 11:52:35.852122 2003] debug: Saving databases
[May 06 11:52:50.951586 2003] debug: Saving databases
[May 06 11:53:06.042137 2003] debug: Saving databases
[May 06 11:53:21.136978 2003] debug: Saving databases
[May 06 11:53:22.081041 2003] debug: Received: f :ULAK-IRC
[May 06 11:53:22.082513 2003] debug: Sent: :phantom.ulakbim.gov.tr PONG phantom.ulakbim.gov.tr ULAK-IRC
[May 06 11:53:38.641767 2003] debug: Saving databases
[May 06 11:53:50.153203 2003] debug: Received: :tiufang P ChanServ :register #ankara MyPass ThisIsADescription
[May 06 11:53:50.154635 2003] chanserv/main: Channel #ankara registered by tiufang!tiufang at phantom.ulakbim.gov.tr
[May 06 11:53:50.156652 2003] debug: Sent: :ChanServ NOTICE tiufang :#ankara kanali tiufang nick'inize kaydedilmistir.
[May 06 11:53:50.158033 2003] debug: Sent: :ChanServ NOTICE tiufang :Kanal sifrenizi ( MyPass ) kimseye soylemeyiniz ve unutmayiniz.
[May 06 11:53:50.159565 2003] debug: Sent: :ChanServ MODE #ankara +tr
[May 06 11:53:53.171666 2003] debug: Saving databases
[May 06 11:54:08.251612 2003] debug: Saving databases
[May 06 11:54:08.325564 2003] Services terminating: Segmentation Fault
[May 06 11:54:08.328607 2003] debug: Sent: :MemoServ QUIT :
[May 06 11:54:08.330422 2003] debug: Sent: :ChanServ QUIT :
[May 06 11:54:08.332015 2003] debug: Sent: :NickServ QUIT :
[May 06 11:54:08.333659 2003] debug: Sent: :OperServ QUIT :
[May 06 11:54:08.335018 2003] debug: Sent: :Global QUIT :
[May 06 11:54:08.336640 2003] debug: Sent: :phantom.ulakbim.gov.tr SQUIT phantom.ulakbim.gov.tr :Services terminating: Segmentation Fault
- ircservices crashes after registering a channel when saving databases.
- there seems to be no problem with registering nicks.
- after segmentation fault,
_ there seems to be no core file dumped
_ .lock file exists
_ chan.db and chan.db.new files exist
- when restarting ircservices in this state, the following appears in logs:
[May 06 11:59:32.567845 2003] debug: Loading module `chanserv/main'
[May 06 11:59:32.573916 2003] database/version4: Extension data found for nonexisting channel `#ankara'
[May 06 11:59:32.596249 2003] debug: Successfully loaded module `chanserv/main'
_ and of course, since .lock file exists:
[May 06 12:02:04.231210 2003] debug: Sent: :phantom.ulakbim.gov.tr GLOBOPS :Warning: Data directory is locked; databases will not be updated. Remove the `.lock' file to allow database updates.
[May 06 12:02:04.232683 2003] warning: data directory is locked, not updating databases
thanks in advance for any help.
btw, i'm using Solaris 9 on sparc (Ultra 10) with (hopefully all) common gnu packages installed.