[IRCServices] about Database/SQL support of ircservices

Xuefer Xuefer at 21cn.com
Mon Jan 27 10:06:49 PST 2003

hi guys.
i've read modules/database/README

how many registered user/channel will ircservices plan to support? (including "hibernation" chans/nicks)
thousands? millions?

SQL is only in plan, but will the SQL support able to share data with Web?
i.e. sync-data in real-time
or just load data from SQL to memory, and flush it to SQL when update?

i wonder if there is a way to manage to share data with web, without any data conflict.
e.g. both web/ircservices update same NickInfo

one possible way is:
make a sock listen to localhost, and webserver(what ever language/script) connect it
and tell ircservices to reload/create(if newly register) the NickInfo of a specified user

SQL have last_insertid, will new_nickgroupinfo(which generate ngi->id) get use of it?

btw, a suggestion here:
void put_nickinfo(NickInfo *ni, char *what)
if what == NULL, update all
else, update only specified item

may not useful, but may needed by some kid of database, to improve performance