[IRCServices] Possible small bug..

Craig McLure Craig at chatspike.net
Sat Jul 26 10:46:28 PDT 2003

we were messing around in a channel.. with SecureOps on, i mass opped a large number of users, some with half-op, more with voice, and 1 or 2 people with nothing..

This is what happened.

[17:38] *** Craig sets mode: +oooooooooooo Dr_K|TetNet Marie Beer Boromir Calamari Coma|moving DarkMaster Dauthi DQ|HavingADrink EgaL Herman Hmzaniac
(12 users..)

[17:38] *** ChanServ sets mode: -oooooo Dr_K|TetNet Beer Boromir Coma|moving DarkMaster Dauthi
[17:38] *** ChanServ sets mode: -ooo EgaL Herman Hmzaniac
(9 users..)

The mass op continued..

[17:38] *** Craig sets mode: +oooooooooooo Ishamael Jango|Work|Sad2MissFinish Karate|Asleepin MrBOFH MrBOFH|Laptop1 Phoenix Raptor Rebs rilla-away Tatsyrup Togy Yeti
[17:38] *** Craig sets mode: +o Guest465108062
(13 users..)

[17:38] *** ChanServ sets mode: -oooooo Jango|Work|Sad2MissFinish Karate|Asleepin MrBOFH MrBOFH|Laptop1 Phoenix Raptor
[17:38] *** ChanServ sets mode: -ooo Togy Yeti Guest465108062
(9 users..)

The other users were left as opped (Namely: DQ|HavingADrink Ishamael Rebs rilla-away Tatsyrup Marie)...

just wondering why that is, and why it happens :)

 *     Craig "FrostyCoolSlug" McLure
 * InspIRCd   - http://www.inspircd.org
 * ChatSpike  - http://www.chatspike.net
 * WinBot     - http://www.winbot.co.uk