[IRCServices] Personal status update

Andrew Church achurch at achurch.org
Sun Aug 17 11:27:25 PDT 2003

     I'm grateful for the thought alone, but if you're of the mind (for
which I'd be even more grateful!), my home address is:

Primabera Isejuku #315
10-1 Isejuku, Ichikawa-shi
Chiba 272-0106, Japan

Note that banks in Japan don't believe in personal checks, and it takes
about a month and $35 in fees to cash one, so if you do send something,
send it as cash or an international postal money order.  Thanks again.

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at achurch.org

>no prob Andrew, where can I send a small donation? for the repairs.
>Linus Gates
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Andrew Church" <achurch at achurch.org>
>To: <ircservices at ircservices.za.net>
>Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2003 10:06 PM
>Subject: [IRCServices] Personal status update
>>      Just so people know why I'm not reading/responding to mail:
>> I suffered a double failure of hard disk and backup media about two weeks
>> ago, which took everything but my OS (and, fortunately, CVS repository)
>> with it.  Since I have Services under CVS on my local machine, the source
>> itself is saved, but all the auxiliary files--notes, scripts,
>> I use in development, along with all of my saved Services (and other)
>> are poof.  I sent the drive off to a data recovery place, and with any
>> they should be able to get the data back (to the tune of $2000...), but
>> recovery is "taking longer than expected", which is not encouraging.  I'm
>> holding off on dealing with mail until either I get the data back or I
>> out that I can't get it back, to avoid complicating matters when I try to
>> restore everything.
>>      So, please be patient for a bit--I'll get back on track as soon as I
>> can.
>>   --Andrew Church
>>     achurch at achurch.org
>>     http://achurch.org/
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