[IRCServices] Log file get's very large!

Craig McLure Craig at chatspike.net
Sun Mar 7 10:57:48 PST 2004

Theres no services config directive for this, but if you want a 'quick fix' edit modules/protocol/unreal.c and comment out line 367

That should temporarily fix your problem.

 *     Craig "FrostyCoolSlug" McLure
 * InspIRCd   - http://www.inspircd.org
 * ChatSpike  - http://www.chatspike.net

 * From    - us44ever . <us44ever at hotmail.com>
 * To      - ircservices at ircservices.za.net <ircservices at ircservices.za.net>
 * Sent    - 2004-03-07 12:52:37
 * Subject - [IRCServices] Log file get's very large!

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>i'm using ircservices5.0.28 with Unreal-RC1 (ip encoding enabled) and the 
>log file of the services get's very large full of the following lines:
>[Mar 07 13:41:48 2004] protocol/unreal: m_sethost: user record for tmsGood 
>not found
>[Mar 07 13:42:57 2004] protocol/unreal: m_sethost: user record for 
>]tG[-poste215 not found
>[Mar 07 13:43:09 2004] protocol/unreal: m_sethost: user record for Cosell 
>not found
>[Mar 07 13:43:39 2004] protocol/unreal: m_sethost: user record for 
>]tG[-shani46 not found
>[Mar 07 14:23:46 2004] protocol/unreal: m_sethost: user record for T0B3 not 
>[Mar 07 14:44:20 2004] protocol/unreal: m_sethost: user record for 
>GoldenGlobe not found
>is there anyway to fix this or to disable the services to log this 
>particular line?
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