[IRCServices] feature for ircservices
Craig McLure
Craig at chatspike.net
Sat Mar 20 19:50:30 PST 2004
Several Things:
1) Dont post your e-mail to both of the lists. Choose either one, or the other, thanks.
2) A Changelog is supplied in the IRCServices tarchive, named 'Changes', if you wanna see whats new between the 2 last versions, its at the top.
3) 'Manually Merging' directives genearlly means we have read the manual / changelog, and understand what the new features do. a Melodramatic example follows:
New Directive coded in, called 'SetFireToNetwork' the default is 'Yes'. Would you like services to automatically add that directive to your config? so when you start services your network catches fire. If you had read the manual r the changelog on the subject, you would know to set it to 'No'
And seeing as all services configs are unique to the network services is being used on, there no easy way to add directives in the right place.
* Craig "FrostyCoolSlug" McLure
* InspIRCd - http://www.inspircd.org
* ChatSpike - http://www.chatspike.net
* From - Nick Gawronski <nick at nickgawronski.com>
* To - ircservices at ircservices.za.net <ircservices at ircservices.za.net>
* Sent - 2004-03-21 03:08:17
* Subject - [IRCServices] feature for ircservices
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>Hi, I was wondering if a small script could be made that would go threw the
>ircservices.conf and modules.conf file and if there were new values they
>would be added instead of us needing to manually murge them and also I think
>there should be a changelog for just the current release like from
>ircservices-5.0.27 to ircservices-5.0.28 instead of the entire changelog
>file, that file is also very useful for tracking the progress of ircservices
>but for those of us who like to upgrade when ever a new version comes out it
>would be nice to know what has changed between the version we have and the
>newer version so this way we may not need to upgrade. bye
>My web page is at http://www.nickgawronski.com
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