[IRCServices] Bug?

Jamie L. Penman-Smithson jamie at silverdream.org
Tue Apr 6 16:05:23 PDT 2004

On Tue, 2004-04-06 at 23:36, TrAnCe wrote:
> I can join to # channel.
> Is it an ircservices bug or UnrealIRCd bug. I think it is services
> bug.

Next time, RTFM. If you'd looked at the documentation you'd have read
these two rather enlightening paragraphs:

"Finally, note that the channel "#" (a single "#" character with no name
following) is treated specially by Services. While this channel is legal
according to the IRC protocol (RFC 1459) and in fact supported by most,
if not all, IRC servers, it requires special treatment for use with a
number of Services functions, and in fact bugs in previous versions of
Services as well as other Services-like programs have allowed users to
crash these programs using the channel "#". Thus, to avoid the potential
for such problems, Services explicitly refuses to allow this channel to
be registered (or forbidden), which in turn prevents any other Services
functions from being used with it."

"As a result of this (lack of) handling, users will be able to use the
channel "#" freely. If this bothers you, the CSForbidShortChannel option
in modules.conf can be enabled, which causes Services to treat this
channel as a forbidden channel and not allow any clients to use it.
(Unlike normal forbidden channels, even Services administrators will not
be permitted to use the channel when this option is enabled.)"

-jamie <jamie at silverdream.org> | spamtrap: spam at silverdream.org
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