[IRCServices] Chanserv UNBAN Bug
dawgclan at shaw.ca
Thu Apr 15 02:52:41 PDT 2004
I have found a bug in your Chanserv unban function.
(02:36) -ChanServ- Syntax: UNBAN channel
(02:36) -ChanServ-
(02:36) -ChanServ- Tells ChanServ to remove all bans preventing you from
(02:36) -ChanServ- entering the given channel. By default, limited to users
(02:36) -ChanServ- with level 50 (AOP) access and above on the channel.
"removes all bans preventing me from entering the channel", this is false. However it will hopefully be fixed in next release.
Here's the Scenario:
Rothgar is admin at netadmin.street-creed.com * DawG of DooM!
Rothgar is connecting from *@211.XX.XXX.XXX
(02:34) * Rothgar sets mode: +b *!*@211.*
-=Ban Protection=- You have banned yourself from Channel:#underdog Attempting to UnBan you...
(02:34) -ChanServ- You have been unbanned from #underdog.
(02:34) -ChanServ- You have been unbanned from #underdog.
(02:35) * Rothgar sets mode: -bb *!*@211.* *!*@street-DFC019D.dip.t-dialin.net
-=Ban Protection=- Ban Protection Successful (*!*@211.* in #underdog)
As you can see Chanserv did not in fact remove bans preventing me from entering the channel. Chanserv needs to lookup vhosts as well as actual addresses. This would include a BNC etc. If someone set a ban on a subnet like that and it included your address you would be denied entry. No smart asses saying how being a netadmin I am not prevented ;)
Jason Mainwaring
A+ Service Technician
Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator
MCSA Messaging
Certified Novell Administrator
Phone: (02) 9419 4616
E-mail: dawgclan at shaw.ca