[IRCServices] Creating passworded channels with ChanServenforcing.

Craig McLure Craig at chatspike.net
Sun Apr 25 13:26:02 PDT 2004

A more reasonable idea would be to kick ban the first person to join the channel if empty, Chanserv will sit in there for a small ammount of time (as it would with normal kicks), then set the channel key before unbanning the user. That user would then be able to join the channel properly.

Although i might add, i suggested something like this previously, and it was chucked out at the first hurdle, with a message saying 'Use Secure access lists'. Which i'm guessing will be the same responce here.

 *     Craig "FrostyCoolSlug" McLure
 * InspIRCd   - http://www.inspircd.org  - REVIVED
 * ChatSpike  - http://www.chatspike.net

 * From    - Dionisios K. <vonitsa_net at yahoo.gr>
 * To      - ircservices at ircservices.za.net <ircservices at ircservices.za.net>
 * Sent    - 2004-04-25 17:44:03
 * Subject - Re: [IRCServices] Creating passworded channels with ChanServenforcing.

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>Hello.. I think this is a solution... services must
>check if the user know the channel key. So if someone
>is the *first* user who wants to join a channel with
>mlock +k he must type a command first like this: /cs
>keyjoin #chan channel key ... If someone try to join a
>channel without typing this command CΗΑΝSΕRV will
>kick and ban him.. And if someone trys to use this
>command more than 3 times with wronk channel key
>services will kill him. I want reply from the members
>for this;-p
>Dionisios K. - VoNiTsA On GrNet
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