[IRCServices] Akick

Craig McLure Craig at frostycoolslug.com
Fri May 7 09:19:26 PDT 2004

I cant really see too much need for this, especially seeing as a lot of people who set akicks will want to be anonymous.

 *     Craig "FrostyCoolSlug" McLure
 *       Craig at FrostyCoolSlug.com
 * InspIRCd   - http://www.inspircd.org
 * ChatSpike  - http://www.chatspike.net

 * From    - Dionisios K. <vonitsa_net at yahoo.gr>
 * To      - ircservices at ircservices.za.net <ircservices at ircservices.za.net>
 * Sent    - 2004-05-07 14:31:57
 * Subject - [IRCServices] Akick

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>Can be added to services a feature to show this
>information at the END of
>the akick reason?
>* You were kicked from #test by ChanServ (Test
>Akick!!! - [ VoNiTsA : May 07
>* 13:02 ] )
>Dionisios K. - VoNiTsA On GrNet
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