[IRCServices] operserv prob

Profound profound at eyerc.net
Mon May 10 02:28:41 PDT 2004

Hi John,

Where you modified the value of SERVICES_NAME you need to modify the value of STATS_NAME. Make it equal to whatever SERVICES_NAME is set to.

Tim Owen

Profound @ EYErc.net
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: john sarantopoulos 
  To: ircservices 
  Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 6:25 PM
  Subject: [IRCServices] operserv prob 

  when i am use /chanserv /nickserv and memoserv all is ok but with operserv and help serv am getting this error through client : 
  OperServ :Services is currently down. Please wait a few moments, and then try again.

  my versions of are :

  ircd : 

  bahamut-1.4(36)p2. irc.athensweb.gr :CHiIY TS5ow-r[RELEASE]

  services :


  any solution ?


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