[IRCServices] Check password without IDENTIFY
medice at gmx.at
Sat May 29 04:14:40 PDT 2004
/nickserv getpass nick
/chanserv getpass #chan
as long as the pass-encryption is not activated - take a look at the
documentation, config-file-comments and services-inside-help ;)
Mark van Cuijk wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way, for Services Admins, to check whether a user has a
> certain password?
> This is because I want to add some interactive pages to my website that
> can be used to read and change some NickServ and ChanServ settings.
> Currently I created a small bot, that is Services Admin on the network
> and is able to perform certain NickServ and ChanServ operations. You
> understand I want users to be able to change those settings only after
> they entered their password, which the bots needs to check before
> performing the requested operation(s).
> - Mark
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