[IRCServices] Chanser has trojan/virus
DeadNotBuried .
idontwantthisshit at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 4 18:12:59 PDT 2004
you should use secureserv's exclude command to exclude your services server
from being checked
eg /msg secureserv exclude services.your.net 1 irc services server
>Started seing this global msg from out neostats sercureserv.
>Global: from SecureServ: Warning, ChanServ is Infected with HTTPSpam
>Trojan/Virus. no Action Taken (See http://secure.irc-chat.net/info.php?
>viri=HTTPSpam for more info)
>can anyone tell me how this is possible? or is it a bug in the secureserv
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