[IRCServices] +O overrideable by non-opers in UnrealIRCd netmerge

Medice medice at gmx.at
Sat Aug 14 16:03:36 PDT 2004

> This is how the local oper has been working, since opers were first 
> added to the ircd. It's nothing new to Unreal.
well i don't have on a bright knowledge of ircds and their history in 
detail, but I don't believe that this is good working that way...
I personally don't like the idea of localops at the first place 
(different story), but if there is such a thing it should work smoothly 
- and if there are new developments which depends on previous 
installations , than it might be necessary to make some minor or major 
adjustments - even to old well-known stuff
f.e. chanmode +O (which is rather new I think - considering history of 
IRC ;) ) blocking every non-oper, which means there must be a clear 
detection either a user is an oper or not - if there are cross-checks on 
remote servers if they are - or not, than they have to be informed 
correctly as well...

but at first this was not about the localop/chmode+O-problem but about 
netsplits and net(re)connects - also a rather well known thing which 
always caused problems on networks (desync/overtaking/etc...)
I think an ircd should work smoothly on its own - services just offer 
additional features and are not responsible to clean up ircd's desyncs

As I mentioned on unreal-bug-tracker on this topic "the fact that 
something works as designed does not mean, that the design hasn't any 
