[IRCServices] Re: Fw: Loging Problem With Unreal

Andrew Church achurch at achurch.org
Fri Nov 12 10:31:07 PST 2004

[Note to Ali Sor: your provider is rejecting mail from me.  Please contact
your technical support and refer them to http://achurch.org/sorbs.html .]

[Note to everyone else: the mailing lists and website are down because of
DNS registrar troubles, as mentioned below.]

>Mail is turning back to me because of that i am sending this to you.=20

     The domain registrar for ircservices.za.net hasn't updated the DNS
servers yet (after 3 weeks!), so that's why the mailing lists are down.
If it doesn't get fixed soon I may end up getting a separate domain.

>I checked my log files today and saw that there is a big raise at the =
>file sizes. (150 MB each day ?!?!?!) =20
>After checking i saw that lots of lines like=20
>[Nov 09 01:43:15 2004] unknown message from server (:irc.blabla.net Ss S =
>:[Spamfilter] .......................
>Seems like Spamfilter of Unreal makes the logs to  get really big =
>because of that unknown message log.=20
>Is there an option not to log unknown messages?

     Technically, "unknown message" entries are bugs, because the protocol
module should catch all of them.  I'll take a look at the Unreal module
and see if I can fix the problem.

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at achurch.org

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at achurch.org