[IRCServices] Notice Bug

Andrew Church achurch at achurch.org
Sat Feb 19 14:48:04 PST 2005

     Hmm, interesting.  Can you provide a debug log from Services
(ircservices -debug) for this behavior?  If you could get a raw dump of
the client/server connection, that would help as well; for example:

$ telnet host.name 6667
NICK nick
USER user * * user

and send the raw IRC data that follows.

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at achurch.org

>[3:27pm] <ANTRAiCX> -Global- [Network Notice] Our network has been
>experiencing a major increase of unattended bots connecting. We are taking
>many defensive actions to make sure that they do not interrupt the normal
>activity of the network. If you receive a CTCP LAG, please ignore it, as it
>is our Opers running :a scan to detect malicious bots. If you have any
>questions, please join #Help and speak to an Oper. - XanaX, Sr. Network
>iircII on solaris:
>[3:31pm] <work> -Global- [Network Notice] Our network has been experiencing
>a major increase of unattended bots connecting. We are taking many defensive
>[3:31pm] <work> actions to make sure that they do not interrupt the normal
>activity of the network. If you receive a CTCP LAG, please ignore it, as it
>[3:31pm] <work> our Opers running :a scan to detect malicious bots. If you
>have any questions, please join #Help and speak to an Oper. - XanaX, Sr.
>And of course it still does it on mIRC as well.
>So my tests show that this bug is in fact an ircservices bug, and not
>related to any mirc errors.  Testing in 3 other clients all performed the
>exact same way, and duplicated the exact same results.  The source notice of
>course didn't have the ":" in it, however it appeared at the same location
>for all 3 of the clients.
>Thanks for any help you may be able to offer,
>admin at epicirc.net
>EpicIRC - irc.epicirc.net