[IRCServices] update force option still reports failing messages
Nick Gawronski
nick at nickgawronski.com
Fri May 25 09:11:26 PDT 2007
Hi, I found the database xml export link. To make sure I get the xml
data properly if I use the download "d" option in lynx when I am on the
export link will that download the data properly so no line breaks mess
up my data?On Tue, 22 May 2007, Andrew Church wrote:
> >Hi, What would the url be for downloading the xml databases? I have all
> >of the modules loaded for the http server and the xml information.
> The XML export file can be downloaded from the top page of the
> httpd/dbaccess module. For example, if your modules.conf contains
> Module httpd/main
> ListenTo
> # (other options)
> EndModule
> Module httpd/dbaccess
> Prefix "/dbaccess"
> EndModule
> then you would access and select "Save
> Link Target As" on the "XML database download" link.
> --Andrew Church
> achurch at achurch.org
> http://achurch.org/
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