[IRCServices] EnableAnopeWorkaround doesn't work with db imported from anope-1.7.18 using enc_old

Pierre Fagrell pierre at fagrell.net
Thu Oct 11 14:21:32 PDT 2007

Andrew Church skrev:
>> Thankyou for the patch, the patching goes fine, but it won't compile:
> Sorry, my fault.  (I guess that's what I get for staying up too late at
> night...)  Open tools/convert-epona.c in a text editor and go to line 491,
> which should read:
>                 ci->pass.cipher = sstrdup("md5");
> Change that to:
>                 ci->founderpass.cipher = sstrdup("md5");
> and compilation should work fine.
That did the trick!
All passwords work now, thankyou for the help.

//Pierre Fagrell