[IRCServices] SECUREOPS and an odd mode change
Bill Kramme
bk at slashnet.org
Fri Oct 26 12:13:19 PDT 2007
With SECUREOPS turned on for a channel, anytime someone is voiced,
ChanServ explicitly removes modes the user didn't actually have. For
[13:55:59] -!- mode/#channel [+v user1] by user2
[13:56:02] -!- mode/#channel [-oha user1 user1 user1] by ChanServ
user1 had no modes previous to the mode change, yet ChanServ
explicitly removes modes the user is not authorized to have. This only
occurs in channels where SECUREOPS is enabled. Turning it off disables
this activity, but this is obviously not a solution since the intended
functionality of SECUREOPS is also disabled.
Additionally, when someone with authorization for higher modes is
devoiced, the following occurs:
[14:10:40] -!- mode/#totse [-v user3] by user2
[14:10:40] -!- mode/#totse [+ha user3 user3] by ChanServ
In this case, user3 was already +ohav before the mode change.
There's not really any negative side effects to this, apart from extra
mode-change lines that apparently are bothering the users involved.
UnrealIRCD 3.2.5 and Services 5.1.4. I'm sure you'll need further
information, so just let me know.
Bill Kramme
Network and Services Administrator
SlashNET IRC [http://slashnet.org/]