Hello all,<br><br>This is my first post on any mailing list... ever. So forgive me if I've missed some major ettiquette conventions, it's unintentional.<br><br>My question relates to the XML export functionality of ircservices. Having tested the httpd based XML export, I did indeed experience the services "freeze" symptoms the manual warns about.<br>
<br>As I am currently testing on a "live" install, I don't want to repeat this, but the wording in the manual is somewhat ambiguous as to whether the command line -export=filename will cause the same behaviour, as it also mentions database information changing, and shutting the server down before exporting.<br>
<br>Can I use the command line -export option to export the services database while ircservices is running and connected to a network?<br><br>Also, does anyone have any experience with modifying the database services uses in real time? Ideally I'd like external applications to have access to constantly up-to-date information from services.<br>
<br>Current Version Info:<br>IRC Services 5.0.50 with Unreal3.2.4<br><br>Thanks.<br><br>Alex<br>