[IRCServices Coding] RAW Patch [WAS: RAW question]

Panagiotis Kefalidis ( Gizm0 ) gizm0 at mail.gr
Thu May 30 10:46:32 PDT 2002

Óôßò Wed, 29 May 2002 20:31:51 +0100 "Russell Garrett" Ýãñáøå:

> If anyone's still interested, the patch is here
> http://russ.garrett.co.uk/ircservices-5.0pre0-saraw.patch - This is
> really just a 2-minute job there for those who want it - you've heard
> my view, you really shouldn't need to use it. I tried to patch the
> help but I never really worked out how all this language compiler
> stuff works, so the help still says it's root-only.
i've done both.the operserv/main.c patch for services admins to use raw
and the language file to work fine :] it's quite easy russ :] mail me
private if you want the language file.i've also added a command to report 
the raw command use to channel #services.it also report what the raw
string was.i can send you this also.

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