[IRCServices] ACCESS and *OP

Andrew Kempe andrewk at icon.co.za
Sat May 13 05:45:44 PDT 2000

> >How would everyone fell if we removed the ACCESS command and replaced it
> >with AOP SOP etc? This would simplify things dramatically and I know it
> >would affect those people who want very customisable channel access
> >levels.


>      Without touching (yet) the subject of A/S/VOP, I'm very strongly
> against the removal of the ACCESS command.  While I have to admit part of
> that is the fact that I created that system and happen to like it, there
> are a couple of other big problems that would crop up:

I was just testing the water - I assure everyone that a change like this
would not be made without more than a single mail to the mailing list.
Having thought about all the comments that have been made I like Andy's idea
and it's pretty much inline with what I'd like to implement.


>      My personal preference is to use *OP as an option to the ACCESS ADD
> command, and display levels by name in LIST if EXPERT is not set.  The
> user/Services dialogue would look something like this:
> -> *ChanServ* access #channel add SomeNick sop
> -ChanServ- SomeNick added to channel #channel access list as an auto-op.
> -> *ChanServ* access #channel list
> -ChanServ- Num  Level  Nick
> -ChanServ-   1   SOP   MyNick
> -ChanServ-   2   AOP   NotMyNick
> -ChanServ-   3   AOP   SomeNick


>      Admittedly, the last examples are a bit questionable as they can let
> someone with the nick "levels" or "aop" hide from channel lists, but if
> that becomes a problem it's easy enough to forbid the nicknames/

How about the following...

Instead of making "SOP" and "AOP" etc access levels, why not just add the
following root-level commands: AOP, SOP, VOP. These would work in the same
way as DALnet's. e.g.

	/msg chanserv AOP #channel ADD SomeNickName
	/msg chanserv AOP #channel LIST

If EXPERT mode is enabled, users will not have access to these commands.
They will instead be directed to use the ACCESS command.

>      The EXPERT option might work something like this:
> -> *ChanServ* levels #channel set memo 50
> -ChanServ- The EXPERT option must be set to change access level settings.
> -> *ChanServ* set #channel expert on
> -ChanServ- The EXPERT option for #channel is now active.
> -> *ChanServ* levels #channel set memo 50
> -ChanServ- Level MEMO on channel #channel changed to 50.


If a user tries to disable EXPERT mode for a channel whose ACCESS levels
have been modified, they will be asked to reset them to the defaults first.

>      Incidentally, I could see *OP being done as a module which could be
> loaded or not at the server operator's choice.  (Yes, I will try to get
> back onto that module thing RSN...)

Andy, please can you mail me your ideas regarding modules.

Thanks, Andrew

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