[IRCServices] ChanServ refuses to KEEPTOPIC and TOPICLOCK .

David Blanchard dblanch at home.com
Sun Jan 21 17:39:18 PST 2001

See attached files Andrew.. :)

>      Where can I find information on the Unreal ircd?  I may look into
> adding basic support for it if it doesn't take too much work.
>   --Andrew Church
>     achurch at achurch.org | New address - please note.
>     http://achurch.org/ | $B%a!<%k%"%I%l%9$,JQ$o$j$^$7$?!#(B
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe, mail ircservices-request at ircservices.za.net
> with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject of the mail.
> http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices
-------------- next part --------------
		### Channel Modes ###
		p = Private channel
		s = Secret channel
		i = Invite-only allowed
		m = Moderated channel, noone can speak except users with mode +voh
		n = No messages from outside channel
		t = Only channel operators may set the topic
		r = Channel is registered
		R = Requires a registered nickname to join the channel
		c = No ANSI color can be sent to the channel (ColourBlock)
		q = Channel owner 
	      (*)Q = No kicks able in channel unless by U:Lines 
		O = IRCop only channel (Setable by IRCops)
		A = Administrator only channel (Setable by Admins)
		K = /Knock is not allowed
		V = /Invite is not allowed
		S = Strip all incoming colours away
		l <number of max users> = Channel may hold at most <number> of users
		b <nick!user at host>      = Bans the nick!user at host from the channel
		k <key>                 = Needs the channel key to join the channel
		o <nickname>            = Gives operator status to the user
		v <nickname>            = Gives voice to the user (May talk if chan is +m)
		L <chan2>               = If +l is full, the next user will auto-join <chan2>
		a <nickname>            = Gives protection to the user (No kick/drop)
		e <nick!user at host>      = Exception ban - If someone matches it
                                            they can join even if a ban matches them
	     (**)h <nickname>            = Gives halfop status to the user 
		f [*]<lines>:<seconds>  = Flood protection, if the * is given a user will
                                            be kick banned when they send <lines> in <seconds>
                                            If * is not given they are just kicked
		H                       = No +I users may join that channel. (Setable by Admins).
		N                       = No nickname changes are permitted in the channel.
		^                       = Reports Channel modes in bitstring.
                                            (Only exists in Development Versions i.e #define DEVELOP) 
		G                       = Makes the channel G Rated. Any words in badwords.channel.conf
                                            are replaced with <censored> in channel messages. 
		u                       = "Auditorium". Makes /names and /who #channel only show @'s
		C                       = No CTCPs allowed in the channel.
		z                       = Only Clients on a Secure Connection (SSL) can join.

 		(*)   Channel mode +Q 
   			This is the 'peace' mode. Noone can kick each other 
   			except by U:Lines. Bans can be placed though.

		(**)  Channel halfops (+h)  
  			If you are marked as halfop (% in /names) you can do:
    		          - Set topic
  		          - Kick non-ops
  		          - Set modes +vmntibe
-------------- next part --------------
                                    ***** UnrealIRCd O:Line flags ***** 

		 r = Access to /rehash server
		 h = Oper can send /help ops - gets +h on oper up
		 g = Oper can send /globops
		 w = Oper can send /wallops
		 l = Oper can send /locops
		 c = Access to do local /squits and /connects
		 k = Access to do local /kills
		 b = Oper can /kline users from server
		 B = Oper can /unkline users from server
		 n = Oper can send local server notices (/notice $servername message)
		 u = Oper can set /umode +c
		 f = Oper can set /umode +f
		 O = Global oper, flags included: oRDK
		 o = Local oper, flags included: rhgwlckbBnuf
		 R = Access to /restart server
		 D = Access to /die server
		 K = Access to do global /kills
		 A = Gets +A on oper up. Server Administrator
		 a = Gets +a on oper up. Services Administrator
		 N = Gets +N on oper up. Network Administrator
		 T = Gets +T on oper up. Technical Administator
		 C = Gets +C on oper up. Co Administrator
		 Y = Access to do remote /squits and /connects
		 z = Can add /zlines
		 H = Gets +x on oper up.
		 W = Gets +W on oper up.	  
		 ^ = Allows to use umode +I
		 * = Flags AaNCTzSHW^
-------------- next part --------------
          ### Stats Flags ###

          k = Lists all the current K:Lines, Z:Lines (Banned hosts/IP) & E:Lines (K:Line exceptions)
          g = Lists all the current G:Lines (Banned hosts) & Shuns
          E = Lists all the current E:Lines (K:Line Exceptions)
          f = Lists all the current F:lines (Filename masks on DCCDENY)
          O = Lists all the current O:Lines (IRC Operator Lines)
          Q = Lists all the current Q:Lines (Forbidden Nicks)
          C = Lists all the current C/N:Lines (Servers to connect or accept connects from)
          H = Lists all the current H:Lines (Hub Lines) & L:Lines (Leaf Lines)
          n = Lists all the current n:Lines (GECOS Deny)
          V = Lists all the current VHost lines
          T = Lists all the current T:Lines (Specific MOTD/Rules Lines)
          Y = Lists all the current Y:Lines (Connection classes)
          U = Lists all the current U:Lines (Usually Services)
          v = Lists all the current V:Lines (Version Deny)
          D = Lists all the current D:Lines (Disallow Lines-Oper & Server Orig Connects)
          d = Lists all the current d:Lines (Disallow Lines-Autoconnects)
          e = Lists all the current e:Lines (Proxy scan exempt IPs)
          I = Lists all the current I:Lines (Client auth Lines)
          F = Lists all the current F:Lines (DCCDENY Lines)
          r = Lists all Channel Restrict lines
          N = Lists the Network Configuration report
          S = Gives the Dynamic Configuration report
          W = Gives the current Server Load
          q = Lists all the SQLINEed Nicks
          u = Server Uptime
          m = Gives the Server command list
          z = Gives Misc Server Information
          s = Returns the scache and NS numbers
          t = Returns Misc Info
          L = Information about current server connections

-------------- next part --------------
		### User Modes ###

		O = Local IRC Operator
		o = Global IRC Operator
		i = Invisible (Not shown in /who searches)
		w = Can listen to wallop messages
		g = Can read & send to globops, and locops
		h = Available for help
		s = Can listen to server notices
		k = See's all the /KILL's which were executed
		S = For services only. (Protects them)
		a = Is a Services Administrator
		A = Is a Server Administrator
		N = Is a Network Administrator
		T = Is a Tech Admininistator
		C = Is a Co Administrator
		c = See's all Connects/Disconnects on local server
		f = Listen to flood alerts from server
		r = Identifies the nick as being registered
		x = Gives the user hidden hostname
		e = Can listen to server messages sent to +e users
		b = Can read & send to chatops
		W = (IRC Operators only) Lets you see when people does a /whois on you
		q = (Services Admins only) Only U:lines can kick you
		B = Marks you as being a Bot
		F = Lets you recieve far Connect notices & Local notices.
		I = Invisible Join/Part. Makes you being hidden at channels
		H = (IRC Operators only) Hide IRC Operator status in /who and /whois
		d = Makes it so you can not recieve channel messages
		v = Receive infected DCC send rejection notices
		t = Says that you are using a /vhost
		G = Filters out all bad words (badwords.message.conf) in messages with <censored>
		z = Marks the client as being on a Secure Connection (SSL).