[IRCServices] Rotate Log function - performance

Orion orion at tribble.dyndns.org
Sat Mar 3 07:26:01 PST 2001

Ian R. Justman said:
> On Fri, 2 Mar 2001, Orion wrote:
> > or just add a stanza to your logrotate.conf :)
> > 
> > /usr/local/lib/services/services.log {
> > 	daily			# or 'weekly' if you prefer :)
> > 	rotate 14		# save 14 backups of logs
> > 	errors root		# mail errors to root
> > 	compress		# compress old logs
> > 	create 0600 user group	# create an empty logfile with these permissions
> > 				# after rotating the old one out of the way
> > 	postrotate		# execute these commands after rotating the logfiles
> > 		kill -SIGUSR2 `cat /usr/local/lib/services/services.pid`
> > 	endscript
> > }
> > 
> > Disclaimer: I haven't actually tried that. just whipped it up on the fly... still 
> > using old services myself ;)
> There's no need to create a new file.  All you need do is rename the
> current logfile, then SIGUSR2 Services.  If the services.log file is not
> already there (which we will assume is fact after renaming it using "mv
> services.log (whatever)"), it'll create a new one for you.
> That's just an extra step you don't need to do.
> --Ian R. Justman, Co-Founder and Postmaster, The EsperNet IRC Network.

I couldn't remember if services created the log itself, or if (like some
ircds) it needed to be created before it was used. My services log is
about 300k after 6 months. Not heavily used, so i've never tried it :)

Orion			orion [at] tribble [dot] dyndns [dot] org
<bucko_away> t&r in about 5 too
<Noser> 5 hours? you must have missed some of the subtlety in the art.