[IRCServices] Suggestion

Ricardo Aguiar ircadmin at contacto.com.br
Sat Mar 17 03:33:03 PST 2001

Oi my suggestion is that in the command /nickserv info nick it shows the channels where the users this registering. would be of this skill 

-NickServ- the_crazy is Crazy Crazynho Crazito Oh YeAh!

-NickServ-    Is online from: 200.249.223.redebr-E93HEARrYJ6

-NickServ-   Time registered: Feb 10 19:23:43 2001 EDT

-NickServ- Last quit message: Quit: leaving 

-NickServ-                   E-mail: crazy at redebrasil.org.br

-NickServ-           Options: Security
-NickServ-  Channels: F#Testing 6#IRCops 5#Teste1

where F, 5, 6... would be nivel of the person.
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