[IRCServices] Nickname access masks

David Narayan jester at phrixus.net
Wed Apr 25 00:33:00 PDT 2001

On 25 Apr 2001 06:28:24 +0000, Andrew Church wrote:
> > Why NickServ will add to accesslist *@*.someISP.com instead of
> >*@my_site.someISP.com ?
>      This is based on the assumption (which may or may not be true anymore;
> comments are welcome) that most users use dialup accounts and will have a
> different hostname every time they connect to IRC.  If, for example, a user
> connects from "dialup1.example.net" and registers a nickname, that's fine
> for that one time, but next time they connect, their hostname might be
> "dialup2.example.net", which wouldn't match the original hostname.
>      One thing I've been considering lately for 5.0 is to just get rid of
> access lists entirely, requiring password authentication to use the nick.
> What does everyone think of this?
This is probably in the minority, but I like access lists. I have a
static IP, so by adding the full IP to the list, I dont have to worry
about getting killed (assuming kill protection on). Granted, most people
do not have a static IP, but for those of us that do, it's very useful.


David Narayan
jester at phrixus.net