[IRCServices] Feature For Services??

k.hawkes at zombies.force9.net k.hawkes at zombies.force9.net
Wed Jun 20 11:23:01 PDT 2001

IMO, using NickServ to throw out VHosts at users on
IDENTIFY is a nice idea, but not EVERY IRCd out
there supports hostmasking, let alone code to
permit the changing of usernames or hostnames.

Yeah, many IRCds these days DO allow such changes
but an equal number, do not.  Rather than thinking
of implementing this in the 4.x series, why not
look at writing a module for it when 5.x comes out
(providing 5.x has module support), that way if
an IRCd DOESN'T have hostmasking, they needn't
download the module and add an unnecessary feature
to their copy of Services.

As for actually implementing it, perhaps this way
may allow a little more flexibility...

OperServ -> VHOST ADD/DEL/LIST (Admin Only)
This would allow Admins/CSOps to add/del VHosts
in a seperate DB, which would make these VHosts
global, so all users who have a registered nick
can use them, a LIST would give you a numbered list
much like ACCESS would, then you'd (as a user) just
do a /MSG NICKSERV LIST (this lists vhosts for
everyone to use), then just type /MSG NICKSERV SET
VHOST <num>, that way, when they IDENTIFY it would
set the Vhost to whatever they want.

As for users bugging Admins about VHosts, the only
real way to calm that down is to add plenty of 
variety in the VHosts, or to perhaps allow 1 
'custom' Vhost for each user as a NickServ field.
Of course, then you'd need to check whether the 
hostname isn't abusive etc... but that's something
else alltogether.

Just my thoughts on this...


>This is all assuming that the actual underlying ircd supports vhosting
>If you are running bahamut - what then?
>Michael Smith (Warlock on IRC)
>"The software said Windows95 or better...
>                ...so I got Linux"
>On Wed, 20 Jun 2001, ViPeRzPiT wrote:
>> assign nicks a unique tracking id. and when services sees a ban it attempts
>> to look up all matching users on the server. it then will ban from the
>> channel the nick, the user's real host mask, and all linked nicks.  just a
>> thought for a way future version.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Craig Wood" <frostycoolslug at hotmail.com>
>> To: <ircservices at ircservices.za.net>
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 2:39 AM
>> Subject: Re: [IRCServices] Feature For Services??
>> > What would happen with Banning nicks?
>> > This method could be a way of letting nicks avoid Bans, Possible needs an
>> > option for banning nicknames from using this feature if used in correctly?
>> >
>> > *** Joins: fCS (Craig at i.am.l33t)
>> > *** Craig sets mode: +b *!*@*.l33t
>> > *** fCS was kicked by Craig (Another one bites the dust...)
>> > *** Joins: fCS (Craig at mwahaahah)
>> >
>> > hmm, could cause a problem :/
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