[IRCServices] Memo Status

Andrew Church achurch at achurch.org
Tue Aug 14 10:39:00 PDT 2001

>>?>I have a feeling this idea was tossed around about a year ago. If I remember
>>>correctly, it was decided that is was not practicle since it requires doing
>>>a walk of every nicknames's memo list looking for your unread memos.
>>>Thinking about it again, having to keep a list of every memo sent by a user
>>>is going to waste memory.
>>>Imho, it's not something that can be implemented neatly and efficiently at
>>>the moment. However, Andy may want to comment.
>>      Having had the experience of using IP Messenger (a Japanese LAN-based
>>IM tool that allows finding out when your messages have been read), I do
>>recognize the usefulness of knowing whether/when memos have been seen by
>>their recipients, but as above, it's not necessarily an easy task.  If I
>>do come up with a good way to do it I'll think about implementing it for
>Simple, keep a list of memos sent by a user,

     This is exactly what Andrew Kempe was saying above would waste memory,
and I agree; it's not non-doable, certainly for small networks at least,
but I'd rather find a better solution.

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at achurch.org