[IRCServices] Feature Request: SA can modify every NS acc list

Craig Edwards brain at winbot.co.uk
Mon Apr 12 09:28:50 PDT 2004

that lets other users use the nick too though :p

>Cant you use /ns set <nick> kill off? The user will be prompted for their password, but Nickserv wont take any action if its not entered.
> *     Craig "FrostyCoolSlug" McLure
> * InspIRCd   - http://www.inspircd.org  - REVIVED
> * ChatSpike  - http://www.chatspike.net
> ****************************************/
> * From    - Wolfgang Urban <ircservices at tou.de>
> * To      - IRC Services General Mailing List <ircservices at ircservices.za.net>
> * Sent    - 2004-04-12 15:42:21
> * Subject - [IRCServices] Feature Request: SA can modify every NS acc list
> ****************************************/
>/****** - Begin Original Message - ******/
>>at our net we have lot of users running unattended bouncers. Some of these
>>bouncers have no auto identify on logon and start to 'fight' with the
>>services after a reconnect. Means: They change to a registered nick,
>>services change their nick to a guest nick and so on - i'm sure you all know
>>this situation.
>>I see the following options to cope with this problem (manually, as sadmin):
>>- ban the user in one of his channels to stop nick changes
>>  You need chanop-privileges in one of the users channels. If the bouncer
>>  reconnects, you have the same problem.
>>- kill/kline the user
>>  Very hard method with low effect. BNC continues annoying by (quickly)
>>  reconnecting servers.
>>- drop the nick
>>  There should be no reason to drop other users nick.. :)
>>- disable the kill-option for the nick
>>  Working solution, but opens a security hole: Other users can use the nick.
>>- add the ident/host mask to the nick accesslist
>>  IMHO the best solution. I'm not a fan of changing other users options, but
>>  compared to the alternatives it's the easiest and friendliest method.
>>The problem is, that you can only modify your own nick access list, even as
>>sadmin. It would be very helpful if sadmins could modify the nick
>>access lists of any user like they can change the nick options for everyone.
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