[IRCServices Coding] Possible bugs

Panagiotis Kefalidis ( Gizm0 ) gizm0 at mail.gr
Fri Apr 19 00:49:31 PDT 2002

This is a bug or i just don't do sth right.
When i umode +a myself and then whois me there is no 
- Services Admin text after the IRC Operator.
» Gizm0 (zeus at fifth.element) 
» ircname: ...
» server: no.spam
» status: has identified for this nick
» Gizm0 is an IRC Operator 
the - Services admin is missing.It used to be

» Gizm0 (~zeus at fifth.element) 
» ircname: ...
» server: no.spam
» status: has identified for this nick
» Gizm0 is an IRC Operator - Services admin
when i umode +a Gizm0,services didn't accept it.Doing /mode gizm0 
returned : +oiwscrkydegbfnmht ( "a" is missing ).
I changed nick , i've su and del Gizm0 from the admins database.Then i
add him again and it was the same.I did that to check if it is was
database error or something.I've also registered a new nick and add it to 
the admins database but it didn't work either.When i tried to drop a nick 
as a services admin,services didn't permmit me.It just counted down one
wrong password attempt and noticed me :
-Nickserv- Password incorrect. 
The strange is that when i tried to list the access list of a channel i
didn't have access , it worked fine.I saw the access list , as i should. 
This (- Services admin ) used to be on 4.5.x releases and it was quite
usefull because you could know if someone is a services admin or not and
choose if you want to ask him whatever you want.

Another cosmetic bug.When the NICKCHANGE(sth like this,don't remember)
instead of NICKKILL(don't remember either) and nick kill protection is on 
, this text is wrong :
-NickServ- If you do not change within one minute, _you will be
disconnected._ Should be sth different.Sth like :
-NickServ- If you do not change within one minute, i will change your
nick to something when protection is on and NICKCHANGE is defined instead 
When i turned off the kill protection it worked fine.Services didn't
display the "you will be disconnected." text.
That's all Andrew.

Thank you,

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