[IRCServices Coding] (no subject)

projectdead at UTChat.com projectdead at UTChat.com
Sun May 12 18:41:58 PDT 2002

Hi, IRC.MAPOP.COM Is Using these services and is reasonable happy with 
them, Although there are a few LITTLE problems/queries and suggestions 
we have, 

ok, I was wondering, if there was a way to make it so chanserv operserv 
nickserv and memoserv were seperate services, such as the IrCore 
Services, used on OtherNet (Such as CS, NS, UW, CS and NS)....

also, in the future, we are hoping that you will include a BotServ in 
the package, as our users have been asking for this service.

and, finally, one more thing.... when Service Operators or service 
Admins Op them selve's in a USER channel ChanServ Automatically de-op's 
them, I dont htink it should if they are /oper on the server.. I think 
it should detect that and leave them.. this is even with the option 
secureops enabled OR Disabled... and it takes admins too long to change 
the options then finally op.... is there anyway around this or anything 
that can be done to resolve this problem?...

Thanx for all your help....

If u would like to check out the irc your services are being used on plz 
come to irc.mapop.com .... the person to talk to there is Ghozer.... HWF 
or MrBOFH.... ty for your help and plz get back to me on this....
