[IRCServices Coding] suggestion : crontab - services check script

Panagiotis Kefalidis ( Gizm0 ) gizm0 at mail.gr
Mon May 13 15:52:16 PDT 2002

both suggestions are reasonable and good but there are some restrictions
making the first one (about the crontab),not to work.
The reason is that, to have access to modify the crontab,in most UNIX
based operating systems,if not all, requires Root(super-user) access to
modify the crontab.As known most of ircd's and IRCServices are running on 
shell providers who,as reasonable,don't provide Super-User access to
their customers for security reasons.The second suggestion is extremely
usefull and quite easy to be coded.See ya online pal ;](I'm going to add
the second suggestion-feature in our services):P

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