[IRCServices Coding] Two Suggestions

Ekim Engin eengin at talesoft.de
Fri May 17 10:11:19 PDT 2002


Just wondering if it is (or could be) planned to add some features:

1.- cs info showing maximum (and maybe avarage) user count on the

This feature could be used to determine the ovberall situation of a
channel allowing networks with e.g. Bot policies to respond to the
requests faster. Also users could compare their channels with others.

2.- ns info showing the total online time of an user.

This feature is mainly used by channel foudners on our Network on
decissons on adding or removing channel operators. Also it can be used
to decide if a nick is used or just "hold" a nick (illegaly compare
nickserv help ;-)

Greets Ekim

| Talesin aka Ekim Engin | ircadmin at ttnet.net.tr  |
|   IRC Administration   | http://www.ttchat.net  |
| TTNet Network (Turkey) | irc://irc.ttnet.net.tr |
|   < Chat begins as it ends - without reason >   |