[IRCServices Coding] nick.db - Invalid Format

Brendan Bowden brtb at unirc.net
Sat May 18 10:28:42 PDT 2002

I'm getting the same kind of thing using bahamut-1.4.33 and 
ircserv-a33... seemingly random segfaults followed by a corrupted 
nick.db. Any hints on how I can get this bug tracked down?

Oh, and the operserv supass isn't getting saved between services 
restarts; is this by design or a bug?

Dan Jones wrote:

> [May 17 19:37:46 2002] unknown message from server 
> (:irc.last-horizon.co.uk SETHOST Recon 
> 1654620b.1de2983b.in-addr.btopenworld.com)
> [May 17 19:38:06 2002] Services terminating: Segmentation fault
> [May 17 20:59:28 2002] IRC Services 5.0a33 starting up
> [May 17 20:59:29 2002] FATAL: database/version4: Invalid format in 
> nick.db
> -==== Start nick.db =====-
> [cut for sake of sanity]

> -===== end nick.db =====-
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
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