AW: [IRCServices Coding] Concerns with sendpass

Yusuf Iskenderoglu uhc0 at
Thu May 30 12:31:06 PDT 2002

Just to correct you, Panagiotis;

> > 2) When you request a sendpass, your email address is shown 
> to you.  
> > This would typically a good thing,  but this means I can go 
> around and 
> > get anyone's email address and spam away, getting around SET HIDE 
> > EMAIL.  I
> you will propably get killed for services flood.

No, you can try sendpass only for 3 single nicks in one hour.
You will collect 72 per day, 504 per week, etc.
This is just an example to detect how to spam.

> > suggest not showing the address if HIDE EMAIL is set, or either
> good idea.
> requiring
> > the user to /ns sendpass <nick> <email>.
> are you crazy?imaging changing to your nick ,doing /ns 
> sendpass yournick mymail at and sending your 
> password to my e-mail account :]

You did not understand. He suggests services require the correct 
email, not AN email address.

> and for your previous post about the %S and %s.The %S it is 
> used to identify if we are reffering to a services 
> pseudoclient ( so it is %S ) or to any kind of other stuff ( 
> so it is %s)

Again he is right, because notice_lang does not replace %S with
pseudoclient name, but ONLY notice_help. In his case, the text
was to sent with notice_lang, so %S is wrong, %s is right.

It would be adviseable for all of us to read an email twice before
seeing a need to reply to it.


| Yusuf Iskenderoglu                | You get to meet all sorts, |
| eMail - uhc0 at| in this line of work...    |
| eMail - s_iskend at       |                            |
| ICQ UIN : 20587464 \ TimeMr14C    |                            |