[IRCServices Coding] httpd/main: Failed to open listen socket

Romek Krisztian r-krisztian at softhome.net
Fri Jun 21 23:51:10 PDT 2002


Yesterday I was trying to connect ircservices to a remote ircd server. After 
My first experience was that the port number what I typed was wrong, so 
ircservices were trying to connect to a port which is firewalled or something 
because nothing happened... I was so impatient to wait for going down, so I 
entered 'killall ircservices'. After that, I corrected the port number and 
started ircservices. What the ... http port cannot be reopened. :)

I think it's not really a bug, but it's interesting. :) What do you think?

Here's my log:

[Jun 21 14:54:31 2002] IRC Services 5.0pre3 starting up
[Jun 21 14:54:32 2002] httpd/main: Listening on :6670
[Jun 21 14:55:29 2002] Received SIGTERM, exiting.
[Jun 21 14:55:31 2002] IRC Services 5.0pre3 starting up
[Jun 21 14:55:31 2002] httpd/main: Failed to open listen socket for :6670: 
Address already in use
[Jun 21 14:55:31 2002] httpd/main: No ports could be opened, aborting
[Jun 21 14:55:31 2002] modules: init_module() failed for httpd/main
[Jun 21 14:55:31 2002] Error loading modules, aborting

Romek Krisztian