[IRCServices Coding] Nickserv Suggestions..

Aragon Gouveia aragon at phat.za.net
Tue Jul 2 12:53:17 PDT 2002

| By Craig McLure <frostycoolslug at hotmail.com>
|                                          [ 2002-07-02 19:37 +0200 ]
> a Dropnick that just drops the selected nick and not all nicks linked to it 
> (currently, i have to getpass.. change nick.. id as some1 else, then unlink 
> the nick.. thats a long way to do it.. and ppl complain ;)

Yea, I also think this would be a nice feature to have.

> Also, a way where ppl can link registered nicks with the password ala 4.5, 
> i'm asking this on behalf of the users on ChatSpike.. some cant seem to 
> work the new link thing right, and have already registered 20nicks for 
> linking.. seems some ppl are used to do it the old way.. would be nice if 
> that option was still avaliable :)

Yes. Maybe even give the option to the user.
