[IRCServices Coding] Nickserv Suggestions..

Andrew Church achurch at achurch.org
Thu Jul 18 00:56:56 PDT 2002

>could some1 add a few commands so the following could be done:
>a Dropnick that just drops the selected nick and not all nicks linked to it 
>(currently, i have to getpass.. change nick.. id as some1 else, then unlink 
>the nick.. thats a long way to do it.. and ppl complain ;)

UNLINK (as Services admin)

>Also, a way where ppl can link registered nicks with the password ala 4.5, 

nickserv/oldlink module (however this module will be removed in a future
version, so you'll have to get your users used to the new format at some

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at achurch.org