[IRCServices Coding] C/N Lines

Craig McLure frostycoolslug at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 14 12:04:19 PDT 2002

Unreal3.2? N: Line? look up the link{} directive in the config.. if u have 
been paying *ANY* attension to either the Unreal docs, or this mailing 
list.. you will not only know the Unreal Config has totally changed.. but 
Services dont work right with Unreal3.2 anyway.

>From: Geoff Byers <kip at kip-hq.com>
>Reply-To: ircservices-coding at ircservices.za.net
>To: <ircservices-coding at ircservices.za.net>
>Subject: [IRCServices Coding] C/N Lines
>Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2002 03:31:44 -0400
>I know I know, not what this I ment for. But I need help. I messed around
>for 20 min trying different things and nothing seamed to work. Im trying to
>link Unreal 3.2 and IRC services 5. I keep getting two error messages.
>  *** Notice -- Received unauthorized connection from
>*** LocOps -- Access denied (passwd mismatch) []
>*** LocOps -- Access denied (No matching N:line) []
>The services are serv.digie.net and they are connected to and from
> Any help would be wonderful.
># C: lines contain the following fields:
># C:remote server's hostname:passwd:remote server's name:port:conn
># N: lines contain the following fields:
># N:remote server's hostname:passwd:remote server's name:host mask:conn
>Do I need an n:line?
>Thank you
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Craig McLure
Craig at chatspike.net
Network Administrator of the ChatSpike IRC Network.
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