[IRCServices Coding] MemoServ suggestion

Aragon Gouveia aragon at phat.za.net
Sat Jul 20 14:32:08 PDT 2002

| By Saturn <saturn at jetirc.net>
|                                          [ 2002-07-20 18:20 +0200 ]
> Yeah logon news is fine and all, but nobody reads it cause generally it just
> scrolls up too fast when they first log on.

This is definately true. I don't think having a "mass memo" feature is
the best approach though. Rather have two types of logonnews. One that the
user receives on connection (delayed perhaps) and another type that a user
receives upon identifying (identifynews?).

Sending masses of memos in one shot wouldn't be terribly efficient,
especially on large networks. But I guess one could also argue that this feature
wouldn't be used very often.
