[IRCServices Coding] ChanServ Mode Bug?

Aragon Gouveia aragon at phat.za.net
Fri Sep 6 13:03:28 PDT 2002

My money's on 3.2-beta12 being the official, correct behaviour. Will try get in
contact with one of the developers to confirm.

| By Andrew Church <achurch at achurch.org>
|                                          [ 2002-09-06 19:59 +0200 ]
>      Unless I can get confirmation that this is a designed feature in
> Unreal, I'm going to consider this a case of a modified ircd and therefore
> not supported by Services.
>   --Andrew Church
>     achurch at achurch.org
>     http://achurch.org/
> >If required, I can arrange a time for us to meet up on my irc, with the
> >channel owner, and we can re-produce it, as-far as i am aware, I always
> >thought there was a channel owner option, otherwise, how could the owner
> >change modes on a channel without being op and he's not an IRCOp / admin
> >etc. this is a normal user we are talking about
> >