AW: [IRCServices Coding] A few things...

Yusuf Iskenderoglu uhc0 at
Fri Sep 20 03:58:52 PDT 2002


>> How will you ensure that the email is correct ? If it is not 
>> Authenticated ? Users could have set a at as email.
>I think we don't care about the email they've set.To set a 
>valid mail is for their own good in case they forget their 
>password.I believe just a notice while running the register 
>proccess,about setting a valid email,is enough. (:

It looks as if you have never run sendmail. And have never had
To kill 500 sendmail processes trying to time out due to wrong
Email addresses, when attackers think they are cleverer.

Please do consider that there are users without root-rights
Who also run services, and they cannot modify sendmail settings.

As of this, a new command a la DENYMAIL add|del|list to prevent
Certain email addresses from being used at registration processes
Would moreover be fine.


| Yusuf Iskenderoglu                | You get to meet all sorts,     |
| eMail - uhc0 at  | in this line of work...        |
| eMail - s_iskend at       |                                |
| ICQ UIN : 20587464 \ TimeMr14C    |                                |